Nyimbo Za Zambia


Nyimbo Za Zambia is an online store for Zambian music (Zed Beats). Its website was adapted to suit the local market and the easiest way they could find to enable the sale of the music was to use the existing Mobile Money services. This is just the first mode of payment which they are testing but are continuously exploring with the local banks for other forms of payment.

The website is currently operated by The Black Rabbit Agency Ltd including any and all distribution agreements. The artistes/recording companies and the Agency work on a 70/30 percentage split respectively and this is calculated after optional costs and deductions. It provides all parties with a comfortably affordable means of selling and buying music. It only costs the consumer a few Kwachas plus bandwidth to download an album from the website.

Users can browse for music content by visiting the website. The website allow for free listening (streaming) but if a user wants to download and keep a copy of the music, they have to go through payment options.

ZMLusaka, Zambia


Nyimbo Za Zambia
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 18 Jan 2016