The recording industry in Rwanda
By Moses Asiimwe
This text provides an overview of the recording industry in Rwanda, with particular focus on the country’s recording studios, labels and producers.
- Students talk to school Director Jean Claude Nkulikiyimfura as they practice in the music recording studio Source:www.m.deser
Before the 1970s, the only music in Rwanda was performed on drums and other traditional instruments. To record a song was not possible as there were no tools to do so. As time went by, however, people started migrating from rural areas to Kigali, which by then had been confirmed as the capital of Rwanda. Dance groups like Ballet National Urukerereza[i] started emerging.
Influence of the 1994 Genocide
Like many other sectors of the economy, the recording industry was left in tatters by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and moderate Hutu. In fact many Rwandan musicians were massacred during the genocide, including prominent ones. After the genocide the country was left in ashes. Everything had to start from zero - not only in normal life but also for the music and the recording industry. With no recording studios, labels or producers after the genocide, most people could only afford to either listen to the radio or buy records from Uganda, DRC or other countries.
Music in Rwanda was therefore dominated by Ugandan and Congolese music. Very few artists could record music from within the country, if any. Most music recordings at the time were for archival purposes, not commercial. They were for proclaiming peace and reconciliation in the country. Some were for public communication, informing survivors to be careful of grenades and other bombs.
As people regained hope broadcasting of commercial advertisements began especially on Radio Rwanda, Subsequently commercial music recording resumed in the country. Labels and producers then emerged and musicians found it easier than ever before to record their songs.
Recording studios
Rwanda’s first commercial music studio was One Way Studio. Owned by Happy and his girlfriend Sara, the studio started under the name S&H Sound Records. After their separation the studio then rebranded to One Way Studio. One Way recruited majority of the producers mentioned later on in this text and some who are no longer active.
Among the producers that started off at One Way Studio are Jay-P and Lick Lick. The studio produced songs such as ‘Umunsi Ucyeye’ by Diplomate and Lick Lick, ‘Umuhoza’ by Puff-G, ‘Igipimoby Meddy, ‘Za mu bandi’ by Riderman, ‘Black Angel’ by UTP Soldiers ft. Jackson Daddoey, and ‘Ubona ko uri nde’ by Jackson Daddoey. One Way Studio was later bought by Cebz. [ii]
Other studios then came into existence, marking the beginning of the recording industry in Rwanda as we see it today. There are now several recording studios, most of which are located in Kigali.
Unlimited Records is located in Biryogo, Nyamirambo in Kigali. It has produced songs such as ‘Zoubedha’ by Kamichi ft The Ben, ‘Inkoramutima’ by Meddy, ‘Kamere’ by TNP, ‘Naratomboye’ by King James and many others. The contact person is Killy-G.
Jay-P who had started off at One Way Studio went on to start his own recording studio Hope Street Studio located at Remera, Gasabo in Kigali. The studio has produced songs like ‘Gikomando’ by Rafiki, ‘Nzakubona ryari’ by King James, ‘Haguruka’ by Miss Jojo, ‘Rekana Nabo’ by Elion Victory, ‘Sakwe Sakwe’ by Kitoko and ‘Party’ by Just Family.[iii]
Bridge Studio of Jacques Uwizeyimana (aka Jack Ross) is located at Nyamirambo in Kigali. It produced songs such as ‘Akaramata’ by Meddy, ‘Nsubiza’ and ‘Kuki’ by Emmy, ‘Adelphina’ by Knowless and others. [iv]
Celebrity Music Studio is located in Gatsata, Kigali and is owned and run by Producer Jimmy. It has produced most of the songs released by the Just Family and Mr. One.
Ibusumizi is owned by Gatsinzi Emery (aka Riderman) and is located at Biryogo, Tarinyota. It produced ‘Umurashi’ by Riderman, among others.[v]
Narrow Road Studio is located at Gikondo, Kicukiro and was established by Ezra Kwizera, who now lives in Canada. It produced songs such as ‘Urukingo’ by Urban Boyz, ‘Harabura Iki’ by King James ft Princess Priscilla, ‘Ngwino Undebe’ by Kamichi, ‘Mbabarira’ by Princess Priscilla, and ‘Nzakwizirikaho’ by Uncle Austin.[vi]
Kina Music Studio is run by producer Ishimwe Clément. It is located at Kabuguru II. It produced songs such as ‘Igire Hino’ by Miss Jojo ft Faycal, ‘Agatima’ by Christopher, ‘Urare Aharyana’ by Dream Boyz and others. [vii]
Top 5 Sai of Patrick Uwineza has producers like Jean Luc and Junior from the DR Congo. It is located at Muhoza in Musanze. It is one of the few studios in Rwanda that has its own website. It has produced songs like ‘Agaca’ by Neg-G The General and ‘Igikara’ by Dr Claude.[viii]
Other popular studios include Maurix Music Studio[ix] at Huye and Kigali; and the Contact FM Studio[x] located at Niboye Kicukikiro.
Though recording studios began to emerge soon after the genocide, labels took a bit longer. Most labels began to emerge after 2000. Rwanda now has great labels that are familiar to most Rwandans and those living abroad. Some of the most successful labels include Kina Music[xi] of producer Clement; Ibisumizi[xii] located at Tarinyota Biryogo and owned by rapper Riderman; The Super Level[xiii] of Urban Boyz; Bridge Records Music Industry[xiv] located at Rwimbogo and run by Jack Ross; Rafiki Records[xv]; and the All Stars Music Crew[xvi] of Nizzo (Urban Boyz).
Besides the studios mentioned above, other labels offer their own recording facilities, such as: Touch Records[xvii] at Nyamirambo; New Road Productions[xviii]; Ray Music of producer Ray located in Kigali; Super Level[xix] of Urban Boyz located in Kigali; Future Records of producer David also located in kigali; F2k with Fred located in Kigali; Alpacino Record[xx] of Dj Zizou; Cool Vibes xxi located in Muhanga and owned by Maitre Jado; The Future Productions of producer Bzb the Brain; Dream Records xxii] owned by Dream Boyz and located at Remera, Infinity Records [xxiii] owned by Nsabimana Jean Pierre and located at Nyamirambo; and Umoja Records in Nyamirambo, owned by United Street Promotion.
After Rwanda’s studios and labels came into existence, producers began to establish themselves. Shortly after the genocide, producers such as Lick Lick and Junior dominated the recording industry for some time. However, as the music industry in Rwanda evolved and took a different shape, several other producers emerged, some becoming stars in their own right. Most producers in Rwanda are attached to certain studios. However, some change studios frequently and it is not uncommon for some producers to shift between about three studios every year. Top producers like Junior and Fazzo, for example, have long been changing studios.
Top Rwandan producers include: MaRiVa from MaRiVa Studio; George Kabano[xxiv] from Solace Ministries; Nicolas Nic from Rafiki Records; Pastor P from Narrow Road Studio; Gilbert (The Benjamins) and Piano[xxv] from All Stars Music Crew; Dj Zizou[xxvi] from Alpacino Records; Clement[xxvii] from Kina Music; Prince[xxviii] from Solace studio of Solace Ministries; Lick Lick[xxix] from Lick Lick Production[xxx]; Baric (Bapfakurera Eric)[xxxi]; Ray from Ray Music; Jean Luc from Top 5 Sai[xxxii]; Fazzo[xxxiii] and Trackslayer from Infinity Records; Aimable in Muhanga from Cool Vibes; Bob[xxxiv] from Pro Records; Bzb The Brain from the Future Production; T-Brown; Fayzo from Touch Records; Davydenko from F2K; DJ B, Dj K and Leser Beat from Umoja Records; and First Boy from Unlimited Studio.
It should be noted that most studios and therefore producers are located in Kigali, specifically Nyamirambo. Only a handful of them are located in others towns like Musanze, Muhanga and Huye. For anyone looking for recording studios, labels or producers, they should consider their geographic location and the sound quality they are striving for. While other areas are offering some competition, today it remains clear that Nyamirambo is Rwanda’s recording industry hub, boasting the majority of leading studios, labels and producers.
[i] Briggs, Jimmie (2004), "A Dance of Hope in Rwanda", Dance Magazine. Macfadden Publications, August 2004. [ii] www.igihe.com/imyidagaduro/muzika/amateka-y-amastudio-mu-rwanda-igice-cya-i [iii] www.facebook.com/pages/Hope-Street-Studio/621758001174582 [iv] www.facebook.com/pages/BRMI-Label-Bridge-Records/546790395392443 [v] www.facebook.com/pages/Ibisumizi-Record-Label/268672233241925 [vi] www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2010-05-21/20035/ [vii] www.facebook.com/kinamusicrecord [viii] www.top5sai.com [ix] www.facebook.com/pages/Maurix-Music-Studio/149062668453932 [x] http://897contactfm.blogspot.com/ [xi] www.kinamusic.com [xii] www.facebook.com/pages/Ibisumizi-Record-Label/268672233241925 [xiii] www.facebook.com/pages/The-Super-Level/459349324099307; http://www.thesuperlevel.com/; +250 788 281 042 [xiv] www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2011-09-06/34675/ [xv] www.france24.com/en/20091209-dicken-marshall-rwanda-first-label-rafiki-records-music-godula; +44 20 7924 7636 [xvi] http://eng.imirasire.com/news/entertainment-lifestyle/in-rwanda/article/urban-boyz-nizzo-opens-all-stars [xvii] www.touchrecordstudio.com/; +250 788 565 469 [xviii] http://bachersblog.com/recording-studio-in-kigali-new-road-productions/ [xix] www.thesuperlevel.com/; +250 788 281 042 [xx] www.facebook.com/zizou.alpacino.5 [xxi] www.newtimes.co.rw/section/article/2010-08-23/23262/ [xxii] +250788445666 [xxiii] contactinfinityent@gmail.com; +25078864999 [xxiv] www.facebook.com/kabano.george [xxv] www.facebook.com/pages/I-am-Producer-Piano-the-Groove-Man/448428098631766 [xxvi] www.tukabyine.com/news/4789/nyuma-ya-arambona-agaseka-na-bagupfusha-ubusa-dj-zizou-agiye-gushyira-hanze-indi-ndirimbo-nshya/ [xxvii] www.facebook.com/kinamusicrecord [xxviii] www.tukabyine.com/news/825/meet-producer-prince/ [xxix] www.tukabyine.com/news/781/producer-lick-lick-in-the-us-for-further-studies-2/ [xxx] www.facebook.com/pages/LICK-LICK-Production/505030576262142 [xxxi] www.rwandashow.com/celeb/1241/rwanda-music-production-money-baric/ [xxxii] www.top5sai.com/spip.php?article35 [xxxiii] www.facebook.com/cyiza.fazzo [xxxiv] www.facebook.com/niyonsaba.gabRelated articles

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