Mbale Schools Band


Mbale Schools Band is the leading youth brass band in Uganda. They have more than 100 children who can play brass and read music to high standard.

The band attempts to support young musicians by finding sponsors to support them in their education. Through help with school and college fees this support for youth development enables the children to realize their potential and give them hope for the future.

The vast majority of brass bands in Uganda consist of players who play 'by ear' or from memory. Only a few teach children to read music in a classical style so that they come to understand music theory, notation, structure and harmony. Why does this matter? Because teaching a child to acquire these musical skills also imparts other values such as discipline, determination, teamwork and concentration.

Mbale Schools Band is one of these very few bands whose players have been taught music theory and who can therefore read music to a high standard.

Many studies throughout the world have concluded that teaching a child to read music improves their academic skills in other subjects and there are many children in the band who are testimony to this. They also try and find sponsors for the players in the band so that they can get help with their school fees and other scholastic needs.



John Webale