Right Brain Factory SA


Right Brain Factory is a global art initiative, connecting the various art disciplines to communities and interest groups across sectors, towards a holistic creative ecology, that will benefit all its stakeholders.
In South Africa the Creative Sector has an estimated value of R90 billion, with social, economic and cultural benefits that can be extended to various stakeholders in civil society as well as the private and public sector.
To ensure that this sector is continuously growing at an accelerating rate and continues to grow and make strides, the following elements need to be purposefully driven forward:
• A greater focus on audiences and audience experiences,
• The growing number of tangible economic indicators that are beginning to give shape to the creative sector as an economic force to be reckoned with,
• Working with and developing innovation for the creative sector through trends and technological advancements in the digital sphere,
• The impact of the creative sector on destination branding tourism and exports,
• Social benefits of the arts such as social cohesion and community well-being, and
• Fortification of relations and engagement with the public sector and its various organs
• Creative Business and Arts Collaborations that give nuance to the essence of commercial brands
Our aim is also to harness tried and tested modes of operation and contemporary developments in partnership, marketing, communications and technology to create formidable logical and physical platforms, for the creative community to further drive their interests and showcase their work.
Our partnerships include galleries, foundations, museums, art fairs, and auctions, lifestyle venues and hubs for the purpose of developing innovative business development practices for the creative sector.

ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 

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