Moro Isaac Lokombu


Moro Isaac Lokombu is a print, radio and television journalist from Juba, South Sudan. He holds a diploma in journalism from the Kenya School of Journalism.

Lokombu worked with the national broadcaster South Sudan Radio and Television as a radio producer and news anchor since returning from diaspora in 2006.

He went to the Republic of South Africa for further training in 2008, in Johannesburg.

Lokombu Joined the UNMIS in 2009 and went on to work in newsroom for two years as field reporter, news anchor, presenter for UN Radio Miraya.

He has participated in first ever election in 2010 in Sudan then in the referendum that created the republic of south Sudan and was detained by authorities during the launch of the referendum registration in 2010 December in Yei which sparked a lot of issues between the government, civil right groups and the UNMIS.

In 2011, Lokombu was recalled from field reporting to become a studio presenter during the referendum, after a brief presentation of the ‘afternoon mix down ‘voice of the youth was also asked to design a new music program.

In 2012 he invented The Beat after deciding to specialise in entertainment, his programs face book has over ten thousands of followers.

‘Moro Lokombu runs and manages the beat music program on radio Miraya and UN Radio Miraya and works very closely with entertainment agents in South Sudan.


SSJuba, South Sudan
In operation since: 


Moro Lokombu

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