Arizona State Museum (The University of Arizona)


Established in 1893 by the Arizona Territorial Legislature, Arizona State Museum is the oldest and largest anthropology museum in the Southwest. It is the state's official permitting agency for archaeological and paleontological projects across the state. It is known for hosting researchers from around the world who use the collections to expand the frontiers of knowledge in archaeology, ethnology, and ethno history.

It holds a comprehensive collection of American Indian basketry, totaling 25,000+ woven pieces of rare and outstanding baskets, sandals, cradle boards, mats, cordage, music instruments, and preserved fibers representing every indigenous basket-making culture in North America. The collections consist primarily of basketry, pottery, and textiles, katsina carvings, carved masks, jewelry, and beadwork are also well represented. In addition, the ethnological collections contain a wide variety of utilitarian objects such as household tools, musical instruments, and weapons.

In addition to the collections from the Southwest, the remaining collections are from other parts of North America, Central and South America, Africa, Oceania, and Asia.

Its collections and experts are among the world’s most significant resources for the study of southwestern cultures.

USUnited States


University of Arizona
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 29 Sep 2015