The Group of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (ACP Group) is an intergovernmental organisation founded in 1975. Its main objective is to promote cooperation between its members (Georgetown Agreement) and with the European Union (Cotonou Agreement signed on 23 June 2000 for a 20-year period from 2000 to 2020), in order to strengthen economic, social and cultural development. The ACP Group comprises 79 Member States with a total population of over 800 million inhabitants across three continents. It is the largest development organisation in the international arena. It has a permanent body – the ACP Secretariat, whose headquarters are located in Brussels.
The general objective of the Programme is to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable development through the promotion of an enabling environment for creativity, cooperation and exchanges, independence and viability of the cultural sector in the ACP States, as well as the safeguarding of cultural diversity and fundamental cultural values. The implementation modalities include calls for proposals resulting in the allocation of grants to selected operators in all areas of the culture sector.
