Lule David Frobisher


Lule David Frobisher, one of the twenty-four known children of Mr James and Mrs Norah Nalongo Kasaato of Mukono district Uganda, started singing at a tender age of seven in a church choir. It all started when Mr Sam Kato, the then choir master of Nsuube Church of Uganda, spotted a singing potential in the little boy's voice and asked his mother for permission to allow him train the boy how to sing. David didn't like the idea for it added more misery on his already existing burden to sing in the church choir, for it wasn't his idea in the first place, it was his mother's idea.

In 1990 he released his first solo album entitle "Watu W'Africa" in London. This was his own work yet created controversy as to who sang and wrote the songs. Some attributed it to the known singers of the day, but it didn't really matter, it was his own work, what a sense of satisfaction he felt. State owned newspaper the New Vision reported on it and later the others i.e... Ngabo and Munno Newspapers.

By 1993 his Christian faith caught up with him but this time he was not just a religious person; he was to be a practical born again Christian. The message in his music had to rhyme with his faith so he changed it from a "do as I sing, but not as I do" to a “do as I sing for that's what I live for and believe.” In the same year he formed a new group in London known as "The Sevenz" and released an album entitled "Everlasting Love". To me as a dear friend of David, I see him as an employee of Jesus Christ because David wilfully surrendered his talent and to him.

Around 1998 he released another album entitled "Tuli Ku Kki" featuring a popular song entitled "Nzijukira Lugabire" and it was a big hit for it got to number one in the Ugandan charts. And in 2002 he released another album entitled "Empologoma ya Yuda" which was first released as a single that went straight to number one.

David always gives the glory to the Lord for all his success and achievements.

GBLondon, United Kingdom


Lule David Frobisher
Profile added by Stanley Gazemba on 18 Jun 2015