Visa For Music (VFM)
Visa For Music (VFM) is the first professional market of Africa and Middle-East music. The project is born from a paradox: on the one hand, the lack (or even the absence) of visibility of African and Middle Eastern artists at an international level and, on the other hand, the presence of a very important artistic dynamism and musical creation that these musicians need to be recognized for.
So, Visa For Music aims at highlighting African and Middle Eastern artists. It is an essential and major meeting place for professionals of the whole music industry, whoever they are and wherever they are from. Visa For Music aims to be a sharing platform for the defense and promotion of the musical sector of African and Middle Eastern countries. Therefore, the willingness of Visa For Music is to showcase artists from Africa and the Middle East , mainly in world music and contemporary music .
Visa For Music is an unmissable event for music professionals in a broad sense , whoever they are and wherever they come from, and wants to be an exchange platform for the defense and promotion of the music industry of Africa and the Middle East.
Visa For Music aims to:
- Promote the music of Africa and the Middle East throughout the world
- Encourage artistic mobility between African countries and the Middle East
- Promote the development of national cultural industries
- Develop the music scene in the region at an international level
- Contribute to the improvement of the status of artists South
- Strengthen North-South and South-South relations in the cultural sector
Visa For Music is also a tool for debate and reflection. Teaming up with Zone Franche and The Spanish Agency for International Cooperation, a conference program has been developed.