Documentation Centre For Music (DOMUS)


The Documentation Centre for Music (DOMUS) is located in the Music Library of the Music Department. Collections acquired through acquisitions, donations or bequests over more than 50 years, form the main holdings of DOMUS. These collections are mostly of South African importance, but are in some cases also of international significance. Some of the most important collections in DOMUS are those of Michael Scott, Albert Coates, Arnold van Wyk (housed in the J.S. Gericke Library), Walter Swanson, Graham Newcater, Frits Stegmann, Charles Weich and Rosa Nepgen. DOMUS was formally created in 2005 and its projects and character are determined by a productive co-operation between library interests and academic research.

ZAStellenbosch, South Africa
In operation since: 


Santie de Jongh
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 02 Jun 2014