Bibliotheca Alexandrina


The Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a major library and cultural center located on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in the Egyptian city of Alexandria. It is both a commemoration of the Library of Alexandria that was lost in antiquity, and an attempt to rekindle something of the brilliance that this earlier center of study and erudition represented.

The collections at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina were donated from all over the world. The Spanish donated documents that detailed their period of Moorish rule. The French also donated, giving the library documents dealing with the building of the Suez Canal.

In addition, the collection features archives of the Digitization of Arab Music Heritage. The set plan involved the creation of a database for all documented musical works during the period from mid-19th century to the end of the 20th century during which the Arabic music flourished. It also includes the first Alexandrina World Music Festival at the BA Arts Center.



Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 27 Oct 2015