Durban Music School


The Durban Youth Music Development Centre (Durban Music School) is in the heart of Durban, in the low-income Albert Park area. The reason that this position was chosen was that Mr Dannewitz, the director of the centre, felt he could enrich and offer a future to the children of this neighbourhood who otherwise had little chance of getting music lessons. The centre also draws many talented young musicians from the surrounding townships and because it is centrally situated it can accommodate children from all over the Durban Metropolitan area.

Twice a year the centre puts on concerts and invites the community to come and listen for no charge. The centre is a safe haven for the children who spend afternoons here practicing, having lessons and ensemble training. It gives them something to do, keeps them off the street and gives them a hope for a brighter future. Many are orphans, come from homes where there is only one parent or are HIV-positive. Music builds their self-esteem and encourages a positive outlook.

ZADurban, South Africa
In operation since: 


Werner Dannewitz
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 05 Jun 2014