Emagine Audiovisual


Emagine Audiovisual is a 100% black owned multi-media/record business created out of the need of the following central needs: to create an independent environment that is transparent, clear, prioritises artists, and involves them in conversion of their creativity into products and produce a livelihood. We also exist to create a visual memory of the South African musical/creative arts landscape.

Many black artist in South Africa/Africa ae unable to live from their crafts due to the lack and limitation in finance, which limits many of the other factors of production. This normalised state of being makes the barrier to entry seem heart-wrenchingly high. EAV is about giving power to those creative gems that may otherwise go unheard. Environments and facilities that are conducive for ideation, creation and the refinery of our creative concepts/ideas are so few and far between among township youth. One can observe and hypothesise that a large part of the default condition is inherited from many years/generations of suppressed creative intelligence. EAV strives to catalise a significant shift in the paradigm that has normalised undermining, undervaluing and thus exploitation of under-priviledged, yet world class African creativity. We drive to be leaders in the evolution that steers towards profit, growth, sustainability, self-reliance, dignity and pride - with the artist's wellbeing at the forefront of our priories.

As diversely experienced digital, visual technicians, EAV have researched extensively in the ability of visual/sonic, and also musical/verbal stimulation to influence the many components of an individual to collective state of being. The research has given us a clear over-sight of how these mediums have continued to operate to the detriment and against the virtues of the black race, far outside of its own and any other races awareness - except of-course for the propagators of our "asleep" state. EAV exists to respond by pro-actively and holistically debunking the predominant false, and negative narrative that we inherit from colonisation. It has been perpetuated even more-so by our passivity and silence. EAV moves forward with the heightened awareness of our ability in transforming societies and breathing that into the art - and the creating with the purpose.

These understandings and others have guided us to embodying the spirit of building a hub for the cultivation, empowerment, education and employment of black creative excellence, for the benefit of its people. The meditation behind our thinking is all about looking-closer-to-home.


Uneek DaInsane - Dungeon Shack Performance 2023
House of Kuumba in Utrecht (Watch till end)
SDMZN - Indod'iYasebenza (prod. by Over)
Dr. Equinox rips the #CoC microphone


27 January 2024
Uneek DaInsane - Dungeon Shack Performance 2023
SDMZN - Indod'iYasebenza (prod. by Over)
Dr. Equinox - E = MC SQUARED
Dr Equinox at The Soweto Grafitti Braai
EAV at Soweto Grafitti Braai #Part1
House of Kuumba in Utrecht (Watch till end)
W A R Its Time to Milk The Cows Official Music Video
Dr. Equinox rips the #CoC microphone
Newcastle Township Arts Festival (2015)
Dr. E - The Man is Here (prod. by Phaks Manis)
Malopo Ritual Duo
Xisebesebe Short Film
ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 


Emagine Audiovisual