Girum Gizaw


Girum Gizaw is an Ethiopian jazz guitarist and composer. Girum got into music at the age of 12 through the inspiration of his cousin who played the guitar at the time; he used to be very big on Tizeta minor so Girum fell in love with the amazing musical sounds and started learning the same style. After this a few students along with Girum decided to form a small band and started performing in the school by arranging small concerts. This was with no doubt a good practice opportunity for all the members despite it also being a trilling experience.

After graduating from Music school, Girum had joined a few pop bands just to make a little extra cash. After that he joined a Jazz band called Blue but this band also stopped performing after working together for 2years . It was hard for Girum to get back up and start yet another band. But it was during this time he got together with two of his close friends Abiy W/mariyam and Mebratu Shewa and created the Meleket band. Girum's biggest achievement is his band, Meleket Band. The band has been around for more than seven years.

ETAddis Ababa, Ethiopia


Rahwa Mengistab
Profile added by In-house East Africa on 09 May 2016