Laura Boulton Collection


The Laura Boulton Collection is a collection of recorded music archive housed at the American Folklife Center in Washington, in the U.S. The archive has 1 166 ten inch discs, eighteen 14 inch discs, one 3 inch tape, 22 five inch tapes, and 344 seven inch tapes of music recorded by Laura Boulton, Walter Garwick, George Hibbit, Bascom Lamar Lunsford, and Charles F. Lummis from 1904 to 1961. Music was recorded in countries such as Angola, The Bahamas, Canada, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Haiti, Jamaica, Japan, Martinique, Mexico, Native American Music, Nyasaland, Peru Polynesia, Sierra Leone, Uganda, and the USA. The collection includes 12 linear inches of logs, correspondence, and notes.

They are also 272 10-inch discs of music recorded in Benin, French Sudan, Niger, Nigeria, and other locations by Laura Boulton in 1934. The collection includes 1 1/2linear inches of concordances and fieldnotes.

It includes discs containing instrumental and vocal music performed by Yoruba performers, recorded in Nigeria. (1 hour and 12 minutes; tape copy on LWO 7551 reels 21B-22A), one disc containing choral and drumming music of a Warri funeral recorded in Nigeria. (4 minutes; tape copy on LWO 7551 reel 22A), 14 discs containing drumming pieces and songs with square drum accompaniment by Ibo performers, recorded in Nigeria. (56 minutes; tape copy on LWO 7551 reels 24B-25A) and 12 discs containing dance music, drumming, and speech by Ibo performers, recorded in Nigeria. (48 minutes; tape copy on LWO 7551 reel 25B).

USWashington, United States
In operation since: 


American Folklife Centre
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 08 Oct 2015