The Reggae Black Prophets Band


The Reggae Black Prophets Band was initiated by Rob Prophet A.K.A Mr. Robert Kanoonya in Johannesburg South Africa in November 2007. The group was highly supported by all races hence our managers being Asians, whites and Blacks. The Roots Reggae Electrifying Band plays live performances exactly the way you listen to the Music Audio and videos CDs with more sensitive touching Messages similar to that of Lucky Dube.

The members of the Prophets band are from all over Southern Africa, that is to say Malawi, South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. We have recorded 20 Tracks so far 10 in Ganda and in the next 2 to 3 months one of our managers will be coming over to market the Album. The Music was recorded in Ganda (8 tracks), Swahili (1 track) and soga (1 track) languages because the leading vocalist is a Ganda by tribe and a Ugandan by nationality. 10 songs are in English intending to break though the International Market and this English Album will be marketed in Johannesburg South Africa.

The prophets play Music with a message, to be delivered to Jah Children and as most people know about Reggae Music, it’s all about daily happenings (the things that happen to our neighbors and to us our selves).

The Group Members:

Rob Prophet is the writer, the arranger and the Leading Vocalist. Ralph Ching’amba is the Producer and the leading keyboardists, Limbani Chibwana is the second Keyboardist, Paul Chokani is the Drama, Paul Mponda is the Percussionist, Chimbota Euphram is the basist, Taku Chokani is the lead Guitarist, Memory Thindo is the backup vocalist, Elizabeth Medi backup vocalist, Nina Williams Backup Bocalist, Peter, John and Patrick are the wizards of the wind instruments, making a total number of 13 minus the managers and Sound Engineers.

ZARustenburg, South Africa


Matrix Modifiers
Profile added by Stanley Gazemba on 17 Jun 2015