Saving Underground Artists (SUA)


SUA is a free Hip hop event organised by Okoa Mtaa Foundation which deals with protecting and spreading Hip hop Culture in East Africa.
SUA aims to uplift underground artists and Hip hop education in Tanzania through sharing of knowledge

As Okoa Mtaa Foundation, they recognize that a big number youths are trying to make it as Hip hop emcee, but lack of Hip hop platforms, proper education of Hip hop and poverty is making it difficult for them to make it through. They also recognize the power of Hip hop elements when converted to the society as it’s the voice of the people.

Through the year SUA organizes a series of Hip hop activities once in a month-named SUA Free-stage (since 2012) plus extensive training programs and Workshops for upcoming artists to debate, practice and discuss about Hip hop culture and social affairs in the society.

The events and workshops have started showing positive effects like building confidence in artists, appearance and language use, and also the gathering of youth from different streets of Arusha to share the knowledge.

Each year a group of 3-4 artists are selected to participate in Okoa Mtaa Project.The project is designed to connect artists to different festivals, studios, project and training programs.

Okoa Mtaa Foundation deals with protecting and spreading the Hip hop Culture in East Africa.


TZArusha, Tanzania
In operation since: 


Saving Underground Artists
Profile added by Stanley Gazemba on 14 Oct 2014