Zimbabwe Music Corporation (ZMC)


Zimbabwe Music Corporation (ZMC) is a recording stable in Msasa, Harare. The company is one of the oldest recording companies in the country. It has recorded for veteran artists such as the late James Chimombe, Leonard Zhakata, the late Paul Matavire, the late Chiwoniso Maraire, the late Leonard Dembo and many others.

After signing urban groove artist Betty Makaya, it has managed to sign in artists such as Nesto, Madiz, Eden, Flashy Gordon, Elvis Muchandiziva, Nash, Adonis, Gaugau, Pitshou Lumiere (rhumba), Plaxedes Wenyika, Makaya, POZee, Sandra Ndebele, Real Egacy, Project 5-twenty eight and Felistus Murata.

ZWHarare, Zimbabwe


Zimbabwe Music Corporation (ZMC)
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 08 juil 2015