Kumakomoyo Arts Festival


The Kumakomoyo Arts Festival, popularly known as KAFest, is a Zimbabwean event that was launched in 2005 by the Zimbabwe Prison Services (ZPS) in conjunction with National Aids Council of Zimbabwe. The carnival is a union of partners who have an interest in the fight against crime and the HIV and Aids pandemic through dance, music, drama and many other entertaining activities.

The fete seeks to rehabilitate prison inmates through the arts. The event enables over one hundred inmates from many correctional institutions around the country to showcase their talents while interacting with seasoned visual and performing artists from around Zimbabwe.

The event gets support from organizations such as the Culture Fund European Union to Zimbabwe, Sida, the National Arts Council of Zimbabwe, Family Aids Caring Trust (Fact), Prison Fellowship Zimbabwe (PFZ), the City of Mutare, the ministry of Information and National Aids Council and many others.




Kumakomoyo Arts Festival
Profile ajoutée par Ano Shumba le 08 juil 2015