Daystar University


Daystar University, founded in 1964 is a private, non-denominational, evangelical Christian liberal arts college. Originally located in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, it was moved to Kenya following the civil war in Zimbabwe in 1974. It is linked with organizations in the United States of America and in Canada.

The university has two campuses - the main one is near Athi River town, 39 kilometers southeast of Nairobi, the other is in Nairobi City. The university offers Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Education (BEd) music programs in Athi River and a certificate course in Nairobi.

In addition to the above programs, students taking any major in the university may take music as a minor study. Short courses of up to six weeks in Christian music communication for church workers are available. The university also invites guests artists and professors, based in Kenya and elsewhere, to teach master classes and mentor students.

Program detail: Bachelors (BA or BEd) program: four years. Classes include studies in performance (voice, piano or guitar), African music, music technology, choral music, Christian music, and basic conducting.


Track artwork
The Laxophonist
Don't worry - Sing Africa


KEAthi River, Kenya
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Profile ajoutée par Stanley Gazemba le 06 juin 2014