

Tattuu is made up of Angie 'Rabbo' Ndambuki, Debbie Asila and Angela 'Shinde' Mwandanda. The group was dubbed the Ogopalets after their producer, Ogopa Deejays. Tatuu is the Swahili word for 3 - three.

Debbie attended State House Primary school, Buru Buru secondary school and Daystar University. She was at one time a radio presenter and actor. Shinde, who was born in Washington DC, studied at Lavington Primary, State House secondary school and the Buru Buru Institute of Fine Arts (BIFA. She is now working in Public Relations. Angie went to school at Kenya Academy, Loreto Limuru high school and finally at the University of Nairobi.

They met in 1999 at Phoenix Players after they had finished school. Their love for acting brought them together. They danced for Kenyan star, Nameless in his music videos for 'Mannerless', 'Megarider' and 'Majitu'. They also participated in a Star Search dancing competition held at the Carnivore Restaurant in 2002. At the time, they were known as Rada.

Soon after, they started working with Ogopa Deejays who produced their hit, 'Teso' in 2003, which became very popular among both the young and old.

Some of their songs are 'Haiya', 'Songea', 'Napepea', 'Solophobia', and 'Parapanda'.

KENairobi, Kenya
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Tatuu Music
Profile ajoutée par Stanley Gazemba le 27 jan 2015