Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI)


Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) is the largest youth music NGO in the world, created in Brussels, Belgium in 1945 with the mission to enable young people to develop through music across all boundaries. With a vast array of activities, JMI has established four priority activity fields: Young Musicians, Young Audience, Youth Empowerment and Youth Orchestras & Ensemblies.

With member organization currently in 50 countries and contact organizations in another 35, JMI is a global network providing opportunities for young people to engage with music. The JMI network reaches over 5 million young people aged 13-30 per year through 36,000 activities in all styles of music and coordinating cross-border exchange opportunities on international level. JMI places empowerment, with its emphasis on social inclusion and cohesion, at its core. For over 70 years, JMI has been making a difference through Music, using the power of music to bridge across social, geographical, racial and economic divides and creating a platform for intercultural dialogue.

In Cameroon, for example, Jeunesses Musicales Cameroon is a non-profit organisation using the power of music education to develop, empower and promote young talents to support social development as well as the music education sector and the music industry in the culturally rich Cameroon. Jeunesses Musicales Cameroon was created in 2009, in Limbe, the South West Region of Cameroon. Jeunesses Musicales Cameroon was first name “Cultural Regeneration Cameroon” before initiated into the Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI) network.


Track artwork
JM International
The JM Jazz World Orchestra - Creating Chances
Track artwork
JM International
The JM Jazz World Orchestra - Danse Eternelle
Track artwork
JM International
Ethno Jordan - Egypt song
BEBrussels, Belgium
In operation since: 


JMI Head Office
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 07 Oct 2014