African Arts Institute (AFAI)


The African Arts Institute (AFAI) seeks to be a leading organisation operating in, and giving content to the culture and development paradigm in Africa. AFAI’s vision and priorities are located within a broader understanding of the regional and global context in which it operates, which impacts on its work, and which it seeks to influence. The AFAI was launched in February 2009 to promote participatory democracy, respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms and equitable social and human development in African countries by affirming the cultural dimension of development.

Key areas of work include cultural governance and leadership, empowering artists, research and cultural policy, market development and human rights and democracy. The AFAI offers consultation services in the following areas across the African continent: training, mentoring and facilitation; organisational development; policy development and planning; project and events management; conference programming; and culture and development research.

ZACape Town, South Africa
In operation since: 


AFAI Office
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 18 Jun 2014