

Inspired by Burning Man in the USA, AfrikaBurn is the spectacular result of the creative expression of participants who gather once a year in the Tankwa Karoo in the Northern Cape to create a temporary city of art, theme camps, costume, music and performance.

AfrikaBurn is a participant-created movement, an experiment in inclusive community building, decommodification, creativity, self-reliance and radical self-expression. It is a chance to invent the world anew. No money changes hands at the festival, instead it's all about bartering and trading. AfrikaBurn is a community of participants that create art, burns, costume, performance, theme camps, music, mutant vehicles and much, much more. All of this is created through volunteer culture and the glorious effect of gifting. The next edition of AfrikaBurn takes place from 27 April - 3 May 2015.


ZASouth Africa
In operation since: 


AfrikaBurn Office
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 10 Jun 2014