Albert Ssempeke & Buganda Music Ensemble


Albert Bisaso Ssempeke is a Ugandan performing artist and is the son of the former legendary royal court musician of the former Kabaka (king) Muteesa the second of Buganda. His father, the late Dr Albert Ssempeke, was a world-renowned multi-instrumentalist, musician and teacher of traditional music. He was also one of the few contemporary musicians who had knowledge of the former music traditions of the Kingdom of Buganda.

Albert Bisaso Ssempeke began creating his own instruments from local materials at an early age of 9 years and soon thereafter began studying with and learning from his father. Bisaso has since become an expert on Ugandan and Buganda culture, dance and music. Albert Bisaso continues to carry forward the traditions of Kiganda music that have been passed down through his talented family for generations.

Albert plays a variety of traditional Ugandan instruments, including Amadinda (long-xylophone), Endigidi (one string bowed lute), Endongo (bow lyre), kadongo (lamelaphone),Endere(flute), and various types of drums and percussion.

Albert currently resides in Kampala, Uganda. He plays with a variety of bands and musicians around the city on a regular basis. Albert also travels internationally giving lectures, workshops and performances to different audiences wherever opportunity arises. Albert teaches a variety of courses and programs in and around Kampala for both adults and youth.


UGKampala, Uganda


Albert Ssempeke