Amadou Fall Ba


Amadou Fall Ba is a young Senegalese cultural operator based in Dakar.

In 2006 he co-founded the Africulturban centre that promotes the development of urban culture through festivals, workshops, exchanges and forums. Today the centre has about 1 250 members.

Ba is also the director of Festa2H (International Festival of Hip Hop and Urban Culture), which celebrated its 11th anniversary in 2016.
He is the CEO of King Booking Management Music in Senegal and administrator of the Hip Hop Akademy, a training and documentation centre for hip hop and urban culture.

He also developed the Youth Urban Media Academy (YUMA), which deals in the social reintegration of former juvenile delinquents in Dakar. The academy employs the mediums of audio, video, photography, oral communication and computer science to foster leadership and entrepreneurial skills.

Ba is currently working with the mayor of Dakar to facilitate a vision to promote urban culture, and has been the administrator of Maison de la Culture (House of Culture) since 2014.

He completed his cultural management studies in Germany and is currently studying for a master’s degree in arts and culture at ISAC (Institut Superieur des Arts et de la Culture) in Dakar.

SNDakar, Senegal
In operation since: 
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 21 Aug 2017