Anti-Counterfeit Network
The Anti-Counterfeit Network (ACN) is a civil cociety organisation, which aims to bridge the intervention gaps between the multiple stakeholders that affect and are affected by counterfeits and parallel importation. Its mandate is to enlighten and inform the public on matters relating to counterfeiting and devise training programs to combat counterfeiting.
Founded by behavioral change communication, marketing and legal experts, ACN is currently registered in Uganda and Kenya. Registration in Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Nigeria and Ghana is on-going.
As an intervention platform, ACN innovates and implements strategies to combat counterfeiting and parallel importation through some of these means:
1.Carrying out research, market surveys and investigations.
2.Providing legal redress through advisory, civil and criminal actions.
3.Providing mindset trainings, structured dialogues and behavioral change centered communication to key sector stakeholders and the general public.
4.Creating awareness, championing advocacy and lobbying platforms.
5. Developing and supplying innovative solutions and technologies that deter consumption of counterfeit products and limit parallel importation.