Bibliothèque Nationale de Guinée (National Library of Guinea)


Guinea's National Library is currently situated within the nation's museum complex in Conakry. The library has its own dedicated building within the complex though it struggles to accommodate its growing collection of materials. Among its collection are First Republic theses, journals, newspapers, and monographs, in addition to a unique complete collection of Guinea's Syliphone recording label, with all 159 vinyl recordings transferred to compact disc format.

Guinea's National Library also houses journals of the Sékou Touré era, hundreds of sociopolitical and anthropological studies written in the pre-independence era by Guinea's French colonial administrators, university theses dating back to the Touré era, a significant collections of Présence Africaine and a large collection of publications by the Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, as well as copies of Horoya Hebdo, Guinea's weekly newspaper. Several volumes of Sékou Touré's Tomes are held, in addition to both volumes of the "Livre blanc." The library's collection also extends to photographic material dating to the 1920s.

A scanner is available, though the library's holdings are not yet cataloged electrotiically.

Counsel, Graeme. 2009. “Archival and Research Resources in Conakry, Guinea”. From: History in Africa, Volume 36, pp. 439-445.

GNConakry, Guinea


Baba Cheick Sylla
Profile added by Teclaire Dina EKEDI on 01 Sep 2015