Black Labone House Band


Black Labone (Black Thursday), a organisation dedicated to empowering artists and encouraging exceptional work through collaboration that started as a weekly open mic event. Our aim was to give insight on Pretoria’s immediate artistic community and the greater creative community . As one of Pretoria’s fastest growing weekly session we provide an open platform for a diverse array of local Artistry as well as work from artists from abroad. The structure not only opens up space for upcoming and seasoned artists to share old and new work, but also creates a platform for the established artist to experiment within the
showcase segment of the event.

Black Labone’s aim has been to develop a weekly Arts programme which will create a space for artists from across various disciplines to interact, collaborate and produce work that consistently improves upon itself.

This is done through regular weekly concerts, discussions, slam poetry performances, live music, art exhibitions, open-mic and occasional screenings, to name a few.

With the establishment of a Resident Band we have been able to support many other artists musicaly by accompanying them with original compositions and fully fleshed 6 piece band that can travel to any part of the country.

The Black Labone House Band as an extension of the Black Labone weekly sessions have been included in a number of line ups outside our own session. Platforms such as the Mogale Festival, Mielie Pop Festival have booked the Black Labone House Bands as Main Acts...

ZAPretoria, South Africa
In operation since: 


Izah Kutsh

Followers (3)
