Commonwealth Foundation


The Commonwealth Foundation is a development organisation with an international remit and reach, uniquely situated at the interface between government and civil society. It develops the capacity of civil society to act together and learn from each other to engage with the institutions that shape people’s lives. It strives for more effective, responsive and accountable governance with civil society participation, which contributes to improved development outcomes. Founded in 1965, the Commonwealth Foundation works in 53 member states to develop the capacity of civil society, helping people to engage with the institutions that shape their lives.

Recognising that the plurality of the Commonwealth lies at the heart of its strength, the Commonwealth Foundation will respect the diversity of the people of the Commonwealth in fulfilling its mission. It is committed to the equality of opportunity for all and to respect for difference. And recognising the scale and scope of the challenges facing Commonwealth people and their organisations, the Commonwealth Foundation acknowledges the requirement to be innovative in its responses. It is committed to acting as a catalyst that brings stakeholders together to generate creative and innovative solutions and promote thoughtful analysis and learning.


GBLondon, United Kingdom
In operation since: 


Commonwealth Foundation
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 22 Aug 2014
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