DOEN Foundation
The DOEN Foundation was established in 1991 by the Dutch Postcode Lottery. DOEN considers culture to be essential to processes of social change and innovation. Its Culture Programme funds, promotes and connects cultural organizations and collects stories about significant changes caused by cultural activities. It enhances the sustainability of creativity and cultural expression in some specific regions in Africa, where the cultural sector has not reached a mature cycle of development yet.
Currently, DOEN focuses on North, East and West Africa with a special focus on Tunisia, Uganda and Mali. These regions/countries are the focal points from where DOEN follows (and possibly finances) patterns of creativity that might go beyond national borders. DOEN also finances several international networks and funds that directly contribute to the sustainability of the cultural sector in Africa at large, such as The Arterial Network, African Synergy, Art Moves Africa and the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture. The international culture program also has a worldwide program that contribute directly to social innovation, called the Arts Collaboratory.