Duong Phan


After a decade in finance, Duong co-founded his 

first startup in 2016 to revolutionize the live music 

industry through ticketing data analytics. As co 

founder of Music Tech France, he has fostered a 

thriving ecosystem for innovative music 

companies in France. With Ticketr, he is now 

empowering the global music industry by 

creating a unified platform for ticketing. 

Ticketr connects live music promoters to all 

ticketing vendors and services. Thanks to its 

digital platform, tickets are made available to 

any local or international reseller and events 

data is shared easily with any publisher, social 

network or discovery service. When ticketing gets 

simpler, live music gets better! In 2024, Ticketr 

provides data from more than 200K events. 

Music Tech France is the French music tech hub whose objective is to foster business by connecting its 80 members to the main players and stakeholders in the industry through regular events in France or abroad. 


In operation since: 