Education Africa


Education Africa is a South African non-profit music education organisation.

The organisation aims to assist disadvantaged South Africans in their quest to obtain a quality, relevant education in order to ensure that they are in a position to become global citizens and a competitive, productive element in the local job market.


Education Africa Live Stream
Sounds of Celebration Tuesday Night Live stream
Sounds of celebration live stream
Australia Day x Education Africa Marimba Project
Education Africa's Impact: 30 Years Later
Masibambane College Founders Day 2023


Sounds of Celebration Tuesday Night Live stream
Sounds of Celebration 2024 Livestream
Sounds of celebration livestream
Sounds of celebration Monday Live stream
Sounds of celebration live stream
Sounds of Celebration 2024 Monday Livestream
Education Africa Live Stream
Australia Day x Education Africa Marimba Project
Education Africa's Impact: 30 Years Later
Masibambane College Founders Day 2023
Sisu Meets Ubuntu 2023
Education Africa is going live! Sisu Meets Ubuntu
Education Africa is going live!
Education Africa is going live!
Vivaldi Medley by Education Africa Alumni All Stars Marimba Band
The One by Education Africa Alumni All Stars Marimba Band
Theme From Jupiter by Education Africa Alumni All Stars Marimba Band
The Click Song by Education Africa Alumni All Stars Marimba Band
Our 2022/2023 Marimba Alumni Band performing Chimurenga
Education Africa Alumni Marimba Band of 2022/23: Scott Joplin Medley arranged by Joan Lithgow
Prize Giving Part 2: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Prize Giving Part 1: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 9: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 8: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 7: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 6: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 5: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 4: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 3: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 2: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Episode 1: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Introductory Episode: The Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival 2022
Sounds of Celebration IX | Education Africa
UNISA Students Course Feedback
Introduction to Education Africa's Projects
Sounds of Celebration VIII | Education Africa
Sounds of Celebration VIII Last Chance! | Education Africa
Sounds of Celebration VIII is this Sunday! | Education Africa
Book Your Tickets for Sounds of Celebration VIII | Education Africa
Sounds of Celebration VIII | Education Africa
Education Africa ECD Trainer Debbie teaches her students how to make a shapes toy online
Education Africa ECD Trainer Yolandi Give an Online Lesson
Masibambane College Opens for 2021 | Education Africa
Masibambane College Staff Learn How to Fog Clean the School for COVID-19 safety | Education Africa
Education Africa Hands Out Food Parcels to Orange Farm Community
All Round the World | 2020 Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival
Education Africa Bertrams Marimba Hub educators performing Ng'yazifela Ngawe by Kwesta ft. Thabsie
Education Africa on CNN Inside Africa
Episode 13: Prize Giving Part 2 | Education Africa
Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival is coming this weekend!
Join us for the first ever Education Africa Virtual International Marimba and Steelpan Festival
ECD Students from Orange Farm singing when getting food parcels | Education Africa
Education Africa's ECD Team having a Workshop on dealing with HIV/Aids and Grief
Education Africa UNISA Students on their Business Focused Management Course | Education Africa
Education Africa's ECD Students in Protea Glen singing the Funky Chicken | Education Africa
Dominican School for the Deaf practicing Shalom My Friend | Education Africa
Marimba Educator Magdel demonstrating virtual learning on marimba | Education Africa
Masibambane College Marimba Band Performing Time after Time | Education Africa
Sounds of Celebration 2020 | Education Africa
Lockdown Lesson Theory - Treble Clef | Education Africa
International Marimba and Steelpan Festival Massed Item 2019 | Education Africa
Marimba Educator Rosina demonstrating learning on dummy keyboard | Education Africa
Lockdown Lessons Sizinyoni Middle | Education Africa
Lockdown Lessons Sizinyoni Tutti | Education Africa
Lockdown Lessons Sizinyoni Melody | Education Africa
Lockdown Lessons Sizinyoni Bass | Education Africa
Gloria Gaynor and Education Africa's Marimba Band Performing "I Will Survive"
Life Ball Vienna 2010 | Education Africa
No Easy Walk to Freedom | Education Africa
Education Africa Marimba Specialist Joan Lithgow presenting a new piece in 3 parts - Siyahamba
The King Maker: Walter Sisulu | Education Africa
Support Early Childhood Development Caregivers | Education Africa
Goede Hoop Marimba Band | Education Africa
Goede Hoop Marimba Band play Vivaldi | Education Africa
Klaus J Jacobs Award for James Urdang | Education Africa
James Urdang on CNN | Education Africa
How To Review Education Africa on Facebook
How To Review Education Africa on Google
James Urdang Introduction | Education Africa
Education Africa Robben Island Experience
Education Africa Project Interactive Experience
Education Africa South African Model United Nations | SAMUN
Education Africa Project Experience | October 2017
Early Childhood Development (ECD) | Education Africa
The Marimba - When Tradition Meets Modernity Part 3 for CNN INSIDE AFRICA | Education Africa
Awakening the Innate Musicality of Children Part 2 for CNN INSIDE AFRICA | Education Africa
The Magic of Marimba's Part 1 for CNN INSIDE AFRICA | Education Africa


ZAJohannesburg, South Africa
In operation since: 


Jenna Hutchings

Followers (1)
