G Robert Hooijer


Robert Hooijer is an Independent Consultant in the administration of copyrights, music business management and developing countries business. A retired CEO of SAMRO (Southern African Music Rights Organization Limited), former Director for African Affairs of CISAC (International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers) and former Interim Director General of CISAC, and currently serves as Sub-Sahara Regional Coordinator for IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) in their development initiatives for the collective management of performance rights in sound recordings, music videos and related matters.

As an Independent Consultant, Hooijer renders services to various clients. Mandates undertaken have involved the Facilitation, Creation & Implementation of Strategies, national and regional - as defined by national CMOs, International Federations of Rights Holders, other Multi-lateral organizations, national Government departments/Agencies of trade & industry and other clients.

The scope of his services has included - Reviewing, Compiling & Producing Reports reflecting overviews of the management & administration of rights; Advising existing institutions and/or institutions in development; Ensuring good functioning of management of rights; Assisting with diversification in the management & administration of rights; Speaking on Rights Administration in the Digital space; Developing, Writing & Presenting of training material for music businesses on governance, sustainability & other key management functions; and Facilitating negotiations between various interested parties in copyright matters to the successful conclusion of licensing arrangements between owners and users of copyright material.

Across over 35 countries. Hooijer has undertaken and continues to undertake various projects, individual and collaborative, in the fields of copyright & related rights, collective management, capacity building, business training, development, compliance, risk and quality assurance in conjunction with a number of organizations, including UN agencies, regional intellectual property groups, international federations of rights holders and development agencies/groups.

ZASouth Africa
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Profile added by Claire Metais on 02 Dec 2020