

Heyevent.com is a website known for hosting a variety of events over the world, including Malawi. It helps people to find concerts, theatres, art exhibitions, sport event, conferences, and other events. Organisers of St. Patrick’s Day in Malawi make use of the website to advertise their events. Users can sign in with their Facebook accounts so as to get personal recommendations on interesting events in their cities. Event recommendations are based on Facebook events that a user has been to before. This makes the tips appropriate and unique to just a user.

To date, the website has 49 135 481 events. The website owners built up an advanced recommendation system that is used to calculate personal event recommendations. The recommendation algorithm uses data on what a user has been to before, as well as what events the user has liked on Heyevent.com, to calculate unique recommendations for each user, which results in recommendations that are extremely relevant.

Users can choose to get a weekly e-mail with recommendations on the week's upcoming events. The website makes use of Facebook events. For a user to get their event onto the website, what he/she needs to do is to sign in to Heyevent.com using Facebook and the event will automatically appear within an hour. To update information about an event, a user should update that information on Facebook; the changes will automatically appear on Heyevent.com within a day or two.

Worth noting is that the website only includes events that have their Facebook privacy settings which can be viewed by the public.

SEStockholm, Sweden


Jonatan Heyman
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 04 Aug 2015