Jaliya V4
The Jaliya V4 is a teaching software site for West African music and instruments. Here the intricacies of West African music are systematically examined. Its sole collection of authentic music is a resource for the beginner as well as for the connoisseur looking for classic songs and advanced techniques. The site offers a world-wide archive of original kora music, more than 120 notations of the most famous pieces from the kora repertoire from Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinée and Mali, based on interpretations of more than 30 artists.
It is a complete archive of traditional West African Djembe rhythms and more than 300 notations of traditional rhythms for Malinke Djembe Ensemble.
Jaliya V4 also features several exotic instruments with unusual sounds and enchanting music from West Africa and Madagascar: From the Donso Ngoni - bridgeharp from Mali, Balafon Lobi - xylophone from Ghana to Valiha - bamboo zither from Madagascar.