Joses Arins
Joses Arins is a singer-songwriter, music producer, sound engineer and multi-instrumentalist from Uganda.
Joses started his music journey at a young age with inspiration from his father who always played the guitar every night before bedtime. But it was not until Joses took music as a major at the university that his musical prowess shone.
During his internship programme in 2016, Joses worked with Jude Mugerwa who taught him advanced
music production software such as Pro Tools and Cubase and introduced him to professional sound
engineering. Both Joses and Mugerwa teach sound engineering at Pearl Rhythm Productions studios
located at the Uganda National Cultural Centre (UNCC).
Joses has also worked with Silver Kyagulanyi at Sikia Media and at Quad A Records, where renowned
composers and producers Mr Andrew Ahuura, Isaiah the composer, Timothy and Paul Kazibwe work. At
Quad A Records, he learnt how to make professionally mixed and mastered songs.
Currently, he works at Mulika Music Studios and collaborates with Pearl Rhythm Productions as a studio
assistant to Jude Mugerwa. Here, Joses has worked on projects, including Brass for Africa. He has also
made productions for artists including Jiovanni Kiyinji, Aloysius Migadde, Kenneth Mugabi, Sandra Suubi, Wake
the Poet (Mwana Weika Lorence Matovu, Marci Onsinyo, Afrie, Andereya Baguma, Beck Ug, Noah Infectious and Ann Kansiime, among others.