Keanu Snyders


Keanu Keith Snyders (10 June 1996) is a South-African Singer/Song-writer Born and raised in Cape Town.
Keanu performed and won various singing competitions as a child.

He is best known for his debut single titled "Still Love You". Specializing in Pop music but he does not believe in adding a label to his music. Being versatile is what he always believed in and not be placed in a box. “I sing according to what I feel at the exact moment”.

Keanu has collaborated and performed with The Kulture , Zoe Zana, Niyaaz Arendse, Christall Kay (Real housewives of Johannesburg) The list goes on. He worked with "The Don Foundation", "Cape Town Pride".
In 2016 he was featured on Rize Up Magazine's top 50 Trendsetter, He also got a cover feature on the Northern Bulletin, Cape Mag 2020 and the Hangout Duo ever since his career hit the skies. He has grown so much on social media since 2017 when he performed in Johannesburg at Carnival City. He appeared on numerous television shows namely "A Walk With Mel" & "Proë".

Keanu Snyders also worked closely with the SAFE Fund as one of the artists who joined hands to save families during covid 19. As part of giving back to the community he partnered with Jason’s Angels a Non-profit organization based in Johannesburg to shed some light on Gender Based Violence (GBV) & to show support to victims across South-Africa.

He also got nominated for "Hustle of The Year" at the "City Awards 2021 The Johannesburg Show & Recently Got Nominated For "Best New Comer of The Year" The 021 Awards which will be held in Cape Town. As an artist from Cape Town, he was nominated both in Johannesburg & Cape Town.

When you hear Sam-Smith, you imagine sad, depressed think again. Keanu Snyders is energetic, vibrant and creative and his music is telling us stories. When asked why he is not like the other artist, Snyders says “I am not other artist, I am Keanu Snyders, I tell my story through my music, I make you feel what I felt during that period of time in my life or that specific moment and that's what people love about me.”

Keanu's belief is that through his music and the stories he will accomplish great things in the music business and by involving fans, and other well-known creatives he can achieve that short term goals even if it has to be long term, he would take that risk.
He has a whole catalogue of new music coming out, but there is a specific single he wants to release end February beginning of March about something that happened in his life in 2018 so much pain and so much truth in the lyrics.

Stay tuned.

Keanu Keith Snyders (10 June 1996) is a South-African Singer/Song-writer Born and raised in Cape Town.
Keanu performed and won various singing competitions as a child.

He is best...


ZAKraaifontein, South Africa
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Keanu Snyders

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