KwaZulu-Natal Philharmonic Orchestra
The KZN Philharmonic is a professional orchestra of around 70 musicians. The orchestra enjoys a reputation for excellence and innovation, resulting in a loyal support base. Founded in 1983 as part of the Natal Performing Arts Council (later The Playhouse Company), the KZN Philharmonic was restructured in April 1998 as an independent entity. Ably led by Bongani Tembe for the past 18 years, the KZN Philharmonic has, through its message of hope and unity, continued to inspire its audiences and contribute toward social cohesion.
Through its many programmes, the orchestra also contributes to economic development, job creation and helps to brand eThekwini Municipality, KwaZulu-Natal and South Africa positively around the world. The orchestra travels extensively and has undertaken highly successful tours to Europe and other parts of Africa. In 2011 the Orchestra participated in three major productions beyond the borders of KZN - two in Gauteng and the third at the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown, where it has the resident orchestra for the next two years. The World Symphony Series (WSS), which features world-renowned visiting artists, forms an integral part of the orchestra's annual programme.