Manega Museum (Burkina Faso)


Located in the village of Manega in Burkina Faso, Manega Museum is a museum located 55 km (34 mi) northwest of the city Ouagadougou. It was established by Frédéric Pacéré Titinga, a Burkinabé solicitor and writer with over twenty books and 60 volumes to his name and with a keen interest in the culture of his native country.

It houses many masks and musical instruments, as well as an exhibit of the complete life of Princess Yennega. There are also several artifacts related to festivities and ceremonies and traditional houses on the premises.

It specializes in the arts and musical instruments of Burkina Faso. The museum contains the "The Boura flutes" around forty funeral pieces, tubes, terracota jars and bracelets and elements which were used for rituals in the Niger Valley, dating from the 2nd to the 11th century. It is also known for its 200-year-old Mossi rifles.

The museum has a hall of national Burkinabé culture and the so-called pavilions such as the Youyounse pavilion which presents an artistic display on spirituality and life elements.

BFBurkina Faso


Manega Museum
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 27 Oct 2015