Marco's African Place


Owner Marco, the son of a chef, went to school in Soweto before attending hotel school. He started working in a Chinese Restaurant in Johannesburg before making his name in a number of then upmarket restaurants such as the Carlton Hotel, the Three Ships, the Prima Donna and Caesar's Palace. One of the country's first successful black restaurateurs, in 1989 Marco started his first restaurant, in Sea Point, with a partner. After four years, he struck out on his own at Marco's Place in Kloof Street, Cape Town.

Now in Rose Street in the historic Bo-Kaap area overlooking the Cape Town City Bowl, Marco's African Place is a 280-seater restaurant and bar that ever since opening has proved to be a popular venue for both local and international patrons, who love both the exquisite African cuisine and quality live African music on offer.


ZACape Town, South Africa


Marco's African Place
Profile added by DJ Okapi on 09 Jun 2014