Museum of African Art


Founded in 1977 in Beograd, Serbia, Museum of African Art is the first and only museum in the region that is entirely dedicated to the cultures and arts of the African continent. The collection at the museum currently comprises several thousand authentic tradition-based objects from West, Central and East Africa. The collection was formed by the founders of the museum namely Veda and Zdravko Pečar.

It is representative of West Africa and therefore consists of string instruments such as the kora - African harp, xylophones and stanzas -whistles and horns.

Besides exhibitions, the presentation of the cultural heritage of Africa is achieved at the museum through film screenings, art and music workshops at popular programs such as the Afro Festival, AFRAM and Coloured World.

The museum is open to members of the public daily at 10h00am until 18h00pm

In operation since: 


Museum of African Art
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 31 Aug 2015