Museum of Ethnography Neuchâte


Located in Neuchâtel, Switzerland, Museum of Ethnography Neuchâte has African collections made up of over 20,000 historical and contemporary inventories of units. They include, in chronological order, of the Southern and Eastern Africa series from the late nineteenth century, nearly 4,000 Angolan parts of the interwar period reported mainly by the second Swiss scientific mission in Angola, and a wide Saharan and Sahelian equipment (Moors and Tuaregs in particular) of the post-war to today. In addition, there are more than a thousand pieces of Ogooué Basin (Gabon), including a famous Bieri fang and three masks acquired by Dr. Albert Schweitzer. Since the late nineteenth century, missionaries sent by the Southern African Mission Romande provided the Museum richly documented pieces.

The first expensive acquisition (nineteenth century): a carved defense of Loango, is a gift from James Ferdinand de Pury. Upon installation of the Museum in the villa bequeathed by the latter, officials made the acquisition of a collection of nearly 600 pieces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) by the repayment installments which Obera finances during the Museum at least six years (Vivaldi Virchaux collection).
Madagascar finally, is represented by 250 pieces mainly from the turn of the century, came to the Museum through Neuchâtel

CHNeuchatel, Switzerland


Museum of Ethnography Neuchâte
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 27 Oct 2015