National Archive of South Sudan


The South Sudan National Archive Project is a multiphase project for the conservation, reordering, cataloguing and digitization of the historical government records of South Sudan, implemented in collaboration with the Archive Department of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport.

The project was designed to safeguard the contents of the Archive and make them more widely accessible to the general public in South Sudan and beyond. The documents in the Archive, which number tens of thousands, date from the colonial era up to the 1980s. They cover political, social, cultural and administrative issues at local and regional level over a period of eighty years. The documents form a core collection destined for the future South Sudan National Archive Building, funded by the Government of Norway and currently at the design stage.

The contents of the archive range from the 1900s to the 1980s; they are often the only detailed records of previous local Southern administrations in existence. The archive forms the primary historical resource for the development of South Sudanese national identity. Materials such as government documents, recorded music, sheet music and many other documents and material form part of the archive collection.

SSJuba, South Sudan


National Archive of South Sudan
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 29 Oct 2015