National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ)


The National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ) is a parastatal of the government of Zimbabwe whose thrust is to develop and encourage an enabling regulatory and investment framework, which defines and empowers Zimbabwean creative industries. It was created in 1985 through an Act of Parliament. It has been advocating the promotion and development of the arts sector through support, initiating arts programmes and initiating partnerships with key stakeholders in the arts and culture sector.

The organisation is being underfunded owing to budget cuts thus its work has been extremely underfunded. In February 2002, the council established the National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA). The event is a forum that rewards and acknowledges artists who have surpassed in their respective genres. It was established in February 2002 by NACZ with the thrust of promoting the arts sector by way of recognizing and honoring outstanding achievements.

ZWHarare, Zimbabwe
In operation since: 


National Arts Council of Zimbabwe (NACZ)
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 08 Jul 2015