Okwei Odili + Aweto Band
Dubbed one of the most important voices of Afrobeat by Brazil's Globo, Nigerian singer and composer Okwei Odili brings originality and essence to the game, with her rich voice and energetic performances on stage often in company of her Band of talented musicians Aweto.
Okwei's time with Nigerian Afrobeat band Ayetoro, the success of her joint EP with Brazilian band IFA in 2015 'IFA AFROBEAT + OKWEI V ODILI' , including her Solo work made her a reference musically and in culturally improving connections between both countries/continents.
The artist spends her time between West Africa and Brazil, and with support from Brazil's culture ministry and well meaning institutions have released her 10 track debut album, ÒSÙMÀRÈ, in honor of the African deity of the Rainbow which signifies movement, beauty and life. The album brought together fifteen musicians from Nigeria and Brazil.