Pacis Ndahiro


Pacis Ndahiro is a self-taught pianist from Kigali, Rwanda.

He started playing the piano in 2010, when he was in secondary school. From that time he quickly learnt his repertoire and improved his technique day by day. In 2012 he auditioned to the Oakdale-Kigali Music School and has thereafter had opportunities to have masterclasses with Today his Repertoire (solo and concerti) spans more that 10 hours of Classical Music from all Eras.

His repertoire includes music from Baroque masters such as Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Daquin and Couperin as well as Viennese classical composers Mozart, Haydn and Beethoven. Ndahiro also performs the music of Romantics such as Chopin, Liszt, Schubert, Schumann and Field.


Pacis Ndahiro's picture

Pacis Ndahiro added a new video

Podding with Myself Ep 12 "The First Temptation of Christ"
Pacis Ndahiro's picture

Pacis Ndahiro added a new video

Podding with Myself Ep 11 Giving Onions?
Pacis Ndahiro's picture

Pacis Ndahiro added a new video

Podding with Myself Ep 10 "Oh! the Pain!"
Pacis Ndahiro's picture

Pacis Ndahiro added a new video

Podding with Myself Ep 09 You've been too 'Nice'-eh!


Podding with Myself Ep 12 "The First Temptation of Christ"
Podding with Myself Ep 11 Giving Onions?
Podding with Myself Ep 10 "Oh! the Pain!"
Podding with Myself Ep 09 You've been too 'Nice'-eh!
Podding with Myself Ep 08 Breaking "The Curse"
Podding with Myself Ep 07 The God of our excuses
Podding with Myself Ep 06 New Year's "Resolutions" !?
Podding with Myself Ep. 05 Mind Games.
Podding with Myself Ep 04. I TRUST in thee!
Podding with Myself Ep 03. Is it worth it?
Podding with Myself Ep 02. The Void
Podding with Myself Ep 01. Where it all began...
Classical Music Talks Ep. 06: Music and Humor part 2: Beethoven, the Naughty , the Revolutionary
Classical Music Talks Ep 5: Music and Humor part 1: Papa Haydn!
Classical Music Talks Ep 4: Schumann Fantasie op.17 Part ll
Classical Music Talks Ep 3: Schumann's Fantasie op.17 part l
Classical Music Talks Ep 2: Mozart Piano Sonata K.284 (No.6) in D major Part ll
Classical Music Talks- Ep. 1: Mozart Piano Sonata K.284(No.6) in D Major (Part l)
Introducing Classical Music Talks with Pacis
Introducing my Instagram live Concert this friday 22nd, 6pm CAT playing Bach and Chopin
Pacis play Sarabande from Bach's Partita in E minor
Pacis plays Schumann's Keiserliana op.33. Mov 2: Sehr inningster und nicht zu rasch
For Amateurs and Wannabe Conductors #4 People Skills:Suggestive approach,Metaphors and Compromises.
For Amateurs and Wannabe Conductors #3: The Art of Communication: Heartbeat, Tempo and Articulation
For Amateurs and Wannabe Conductors #2: The Art of Communication: Tempo Hints and Subtle Indications
For Amateurs and Wannabe Conductors #1: The Art of Communication: Eye contact and Body Language.
Hello! Introducing my courses series "For Amateurs and Wannabe Conductors"
Pacis plays Beethoven Sonata Op.10 No.2 in F,ajor
Pacis plays Bach Brahms Chaconne for the left hand alone
Pacis Plays with the Injyana Orchestra
Pacis plays Bach's Preambulum from the 5th Partita in G
Pacis plays Bach's Two Part Invention in F major
Pacis plays Mendelssohn's Spring Song from 'Songs without Words'
Pacis Plays The Chopin's Second Scherzo in B flat minor
RWKigali, Rwanda
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