

Founded in 1988, Pamtondo is a Malawi based website that was set up by John Lwanda and (the late) George Claver with the thrust of recording and disseminating Malawi music. The procedure involves original recordings and compilations from licensed archival sources. The initial impetus was their love for popular and traditional music and the need to research the meanings of the lyrics. The first compilations were made in summer 1991 and the first recordings were made at the MCDE Studios, Blantyre in May and June 1992.

In 1994, they established Pamvision with the aim of making music video recordings and making films. The first video recording was that of the Chief Chipoka Band, it was recorded in May 1994. Over 30 hours of long video recordings of gospel, popular and traditional music has been recorded by Pamvision. In 1993, Lwanda unveiled Dudu Nsomba Publications which publishes books on Malawi, in particular, and Africa in general. The first book ‘Kamuzu Banda of Malawi’was published in September 1993. With the changes in marketing music, Pamtondo has moved to a more archival function while its old owner catches up with trends in music marketing. However, new acts continue to be recorded as funds permit.

Pamtondo is a member of the Copyright Society of Malawi (COSOMA) and PPL (UK).

GBGlasgow, United Kingdom


Dudu Nsomba Publications
Profile added by Ano Shumba on 30 Sep 2015
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