Reay Kimemia


Reay Kimemia is an artist from Kenya. She is a born again Christian, singer, songwriter and recording artist with a zeal to introduce life (Jesus) to the lost, the sick, the broken hearted and captives that they may find true freedom.

She was born in Mathare and bred in Lower Kabete in a family of 7, that's her mom and late dad, herself and her four siblings. Having grown up in an Akorinu background, music was a lifestyle endowed in her since birth. As soon as she could talk, she could sing as well.

Professionally, she started recording in 2010 as a bgv artist and through the years she met different producers and artists who introduced her to other fields other than music.

Today, she's not only a singer, but also a professional voiceover artist for both radio and television. She hopes to reach the ends of the earth as a witness of Jesus, even as she feeds from the wealth of the nations according to Isaiah 61:6.

As she grows in her walk of faith, from one level to another, she's guided by different verses one of her best being Romans 12:2.

She is greatly inspired by the likes of Cece Winans, Jonathan McReynolds, Israel Houghton, JMoss, India Arie, Jekalyn Carr and Kierra Sheards. Locally, she admires Alice Kimanzi and Eunice Njeri.

KENairobi, Kenya
In operation since: 


Reay Kimemia

Followers (2)
