Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA)
The Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) is one of world’s most beautiful and impressive museums devoted to Africa. Since its founding in 1898, its task has been to preserve and manage collections, carry out scientific research, and disseminate knowledge to a wide audience through its scientific, educational, and musicological activities. The RMCA plays an active role in the sustainable development of Africa, and aspires to be a centre for collaboration and reflection on today's Africa and the challenges it faces.
Its collections, noted for their diversity, are of enormous scientific value and are unique in many ways. The RMCA houses several million animal specimens, about 500, 000 photos, 2 km of historical archives - among others the archives of Henry M. Stanley- and more than 150.000 ethnographic objects including more than 8000 musical instruments, making it one of the largest collections of African musical instruments worldwide.